Monday, July 8, 2013

India 6

There are sooo many things to talk about! Everyday,there are things that break your heart and things that amaze.I was told to bring pens to give to children and since I had 6 boxes left over from the election, I brought them. While I waited for the tour bus, there was a little guy(6?) working like a slave, throwing buckets of garbage away, blah, blah. I walked over to him and gave him a pen. he had no idea what it was and walked over to his father. His dad showed him and then started to pocket it but I shook my finger and he gave it to his son, who beemed. I got on the bus and we were off for a n 8 hour tour. Stopping at a stop light , 4 lanes of traffic there was a little girl doing cartwheels and hip hop dancing in the middle of the street in hopes that someone in a car would give her money... The most heart wrenching was a woman 1,000 years old pulling herself on a bag down the street. Her legs didn't work at all and she weighed 80 lbs. She was smiling and talking to the shop keepers and was having a good old time. The power of her soul was awsome.
More workers


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